Monday, February 10, 2014

Spinning tires...

I waste time in idle nothingness. The Internet is such a blessing and such a waste at the same time. When you are hurting and have too much time on your hands, it is so easy to fall into a toxic cycle of not wanting to do anything of meaning. It is so much easier to just fall into the habits of wasting away on Facebook and Tiny Buddha and YouTube. Yes, there are some amazing things to be found on all of these, but most of it is fairly brainless. It certainly shouldn't take as much of my time as it has recently. Consuming shouldn't take over your urge to create.

I have made myself a vow to write something everyday. It's certainly not easy. When you are stuck spinning your tires everyday in a never-ending cycle of feeling sorry for yourself, while simultaneously trying to pull yourself out of such a rut, it becomes tiresome to find something worth writing about. But that's not the point. I didn't say that I had to write something meaningful; I just said that I have to write every single day.

Obviously, the goal is to hone my skill and eventually have come up with something truly meaningful to write about. I have been mulling over a few ideas, which I hope will come to fruition soon. I just have to find a way to make my topics new and refreshing and interesting. I also need to come up with a name and specific topic for a new blog. This is such a great outlet for getting things off my chest, but these aren't stories that I really want to publicize. This is a place for me to get things out of my head and into the world. I have read others' personal blogs and it is nice to see people being honest about the things that are most personal to them. It's genuine and relatable, but that doesn't mean that it has to be broadcasted to everyone that I know.

I am thinking about a general whole living blog. I have so much experience with nutrition and natural health and beauty, that I feel like I could be a strong voice on that subject. However, I have so many interests that fall into so many different categories, that it is hard for me to limit myself. I need to have some direction, though. Maybe I will start a series of blogs! I want to indulge in my curiosity, without limiting myself to just one topic.

For now, though, I must rest. I require so much rest these days.

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