Sunday, April 1, 2007

i realized tonight that i am the epitome of what a person SHOULD NOT be.

not because i think i'm unattractive or fat or anything of that sort because i'm not. but because i'm insecure and let things that people say get to me. i didn't use to...but i've become a self-seeking, others-pleasing person. because i'm a hypocrite and even though i hate it when people are insecure and can't stand up for themselves...i am exactly that. because i want change in the world...yet i do nothing. because i'm comfortable...

i don't want to be comfortable with being comfortable.
i want to be put in someone else's shoes...someone who's barely making it.
someone who doesn't know luxury and comfort the way i do.
i want to appreciate what i have and not take it for granted.
i don't want to be bothered by someone's judgement of my appearance.
i want to be a revolutionary...
i want to do more than just say things...

i want to do them.

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